The Pils
Brues Alehouse Brewing Co

Our Impression: We are always excited to brew a Pilsner. Specifically Bavarian and Bohemian style Pilsners. These beers exhibit a very strong hop attitude which is less commonplace throughout the lager brewing nations of Europe. The potency of European Noble hops is on a lower level than most American Hops. Noble hops are delicate, spicy, earthy and very pleasant, which creates a different type of hop character, in comparison to IPAs, when used in high quantities. In our experience, it takes a very large amount of nobles to really gain the appropriate hop expression for this style. Our beer straddles the line between Bavarian, and Bohemian Pilsners. The use of German malts and Czech hops brings the best of both worlds.
Style: European Pilsner
Grain: Pilsner
Hops: Saaz
Yeast: Lager Yeast originating from a Munich Lager Brewery
Adjuncts: None
Water: Reverse Osmosis Base with light additions of CaSO4, CaCl2
Original Gravity: 11.1 Degrees Plato
ABV: 4.6%
Estimated IBU: 38 IBU
Color: 2.5 SRM
Aroma: Spicy Floral Hop Characteristics.
Appearance: Pours straw-gold with fluffy white foam, with beautiful lacing.
Flavor: Clean fermentation character from traditional lagering methods. Advanced spicy, floral, earthy hop character from the Saaz hops.
Mouthfeel: Light, soft, with medium carbonation.